Better note organization: sub-notebooks/folders
Provide a way to better organize notes, beyond the current notebook organization. This could be done with nested notebooks or folders, labels for notes, sections, chapters, etc.

📁 Folders are now available in Squid10! 📁
The Squid10 Preview is now available to everyone. Notebooks are now folders and folders can now be nested! Folders can also be moved to, and restored from, Trash.
To use folders, update to the latest version of Squid and tap "Try Squid10".
For tags/labels, we created a new idea. If you're interested in this feature, we'd love your vote and feedback.
Bob Richter commented
If I recall correctly, the new Squid10 UI has this feature. It is currently in the beta, so you would have to sign up for the Beta versions in Google Play
luis rodriguez commented
Squid me parece muy buena aplicación ,cada vez va mejorando más , algo que me gustaría que incluyeran seria la creación de sub-carpetas para poder tener un mejor orden en las notas.
Me he suscrito a premium vale la pena ,solo pido que mejoren eso porfis
Escribiendo desde la Lenovo Tab 11 ,pedazo de máquina -
Ramon Neri Campos commented
I need to organize my studies in a folder inside another. Like on evernote
Deborah commented
1.Criar opção de subpastas dentro das pastas. Exemplo: pasta Português sub pastas:- morfologia; pontuação; interpretação de textos etc. 2- após a nota ser transferida para a pasta a mesma não deve mais aparecer "perdida" em "notas recentes ".
Manuel Steiger commented
Add Sub Registers for better Note organaziation Like Notebook and then
Like different registers and than the notes -
Pol Sebastià Ybarra commented
Be able to create sub folders into a folder. I mean for example being able to have a folder named mathemathics with folders inside with notes.
Yuriy Badrak commented
we need subfolders for our folders, if too many notes are taken it becomes too redundant and messy
Bryan commented
I love the folder option, but now the sorting options (chronological, alpha, etc) seem to be gone.
James commented
How is this 9 years old and still not implemented?
Heather Kaye commented
Been asking for this pretty much the entire time I've been in school and I'm going to graduate next year with a medical degree. Pretty sure it's harder to get a medical degree than it is to create sub-folders on an app. What's the issue anyways?
Izistuff commented
It wpuld be great to hace folders inside folders, create Notebooks with mor than one file or PDF etc. Just a way of organization better than only having Notebooks
Anonymous commented
Reaaaally needed!!!!
Janelle Haines commented
With the amount of notes I will be taking in university next year, it would be really helpful to have notebook sections. That way I can make a bottom post class and a subsection post topic. It would really improve the app!
Ferreira Wilson commented
Sub-folders in folders. Like we could add a folder whith school name and inside this folder , we could add the school subjects for better organization.
Uwe Vogel commented
Without this possibility, the app is actually not operational.
Andy Wivell commented
I agree. I use Squid for my college/ university studies. Being able to have a folder structure would mean I can store my work in a more organised fashion
Marcelo Gonzalez commented
It's been a long awaited feature. We need this now. I don't switch to another note app just because I have all of my college notes in here. If by the time I graduate (next semester) they have not updated this feature, I'll be switching to another note app, tbh it's been hell organizing my whole degree without having the option to make subfolders.
Costa commented
I just subscribed not realizing this doesn't exist...kinda regret it now...hope this comes to fruition.
Hola, esta idea tiene bastante tiempo, seria bueno que la pudieran realizar. Gracias.
Adrienne Patton commented
Yes! Like tabs in a notebook.