Create custom page templates
Allow creating a page from any background with content already added to it. This would be great for having logos or text in the same place on every page without having to add it each time.

Silaeralin commented
I really need this. It would be fine as a premium feature as well.
Predrag Mandic commented
I really need this as well. Currently offered page templates are very basic and not fulfilling my needs. I understand that adding such feature would basically render offered page templates sort of obsolete as a premium feature because anyone could add their page, so I don't mind if custom page template becomes a premium feature as well to avoid this.
Erich Koch commented
Insertion of A PDF file for background use. I use this with ZoomNotes in iOS tablet. (In fact there's nothing I wish to do with ZN that I can't do)
Ernst Jandl commented
I'd love to add *.svg templates, actually this would be a must have feature for my ultimate notepad!
Chris Collier commented
Yes! I would love this. I do home repair walkthroughs and I'd love to have a page template with checkboxes that I can tick (room, location, and other common data points).