Duplicate/copy a page
Allow duplicating a page within a note.

You can now duplicate a page from the “Page actions” menu. For details, please see this FAQ article: http://feedback.squidnotes.com/knowledgebase/articles/1906321.
Scott J. commented
Igor Caponi commented
Please allow to copy and paste notes, including PDF imports
Suneel K Kanuri commented
Please provide options to copy pages between notes
Tom commented
I would also like to copy pages from one note to another.
John Mac commented
Be able to select everything on the page imported pdf, jpeg, added text, shapes, hand writing, etc. So a duplicate page can be added to the same note or create a new one.
Phil Künkel commented
There is no possibility to copy pages from one notebook to an other notbook. Furthermore, it is not possible to import PDFs into an existing notbook. I made a handwritten notebook in the app and would like to import PDFs (scanned papers with notes).
Tim Cent commented
I would appreciate to create a template
Anonymous commented
Yes, please.
john.chapman.us commented
Copy page / clone page. Also being able to insert a page would be great. Look at GoodNotes on the apple store - functionality like that would be fantastic.
Abhinandan commented
Duplicate a page
Arnaldo Junior commented
Allow me to create models of notes, I create several notes during the day and many of them with the same information, similar to a work order, it is interesting that I can create a default note template to acrecesntar the day's service information and save as a different note.
Thank you and keep up the great work.
Narci commented
I want to make prototypes and don't want to redraw stuff as I show different app views.
Jos Kalisvaart commented
Would be very handy tot create and copy template-notes
Jerome Paul Esteban commented
I'd like to add my vote to request this feature.
Jerome Paul Esteban commented
I'd like to add my vote to request this feature.
Orlando Borges Botelho commented
Duplicate page would be great to create wire frames, storyboard and such, since you can keep a sequence on from page to page.