Copy/duplicate notes
Allow copying/duplicating notes within and between notebooks.

You can now duplicate a selected note from the main screen in Squid. For details, please see this article:
Anonymous commented
10 years, later... that says a lot of this company. And you asking me for a subscription? no way
Dave commented
Fabulous! Thanks so much Andrew for adding this feature. It's working perfectly for me and will save me loads of time 👍.
Katie commented
With distance learning, I would really love to not have to create the same lesson across 5 different notebooks for each class. Copying a note would be so beneficial!
Pedro commented
Tem a opção de duplicar páginas que é muito interessante. Coloquem também a opção de duplicar cadernos, eu uso profissionalmente e atualmente, quando início um novo caderno, tenho que copiar página por página.
Anonymous commented
we dont have answer?
차민 commented
같은 내용의 노트가 여러개 필요한데 복사 기능이 없어서 불편합니다. 노트를 선택해서 복사하는 기능을 만들어주세요
Rafael Winter commented
As a paying user, I would like to duplicate notes. Please hire me to implement it, people have been asking it for almost a decade.
Elaine Wyder-Harshman commented
This is so strange that we can't duplicate notes! Please implement.
Anonymous commented
I need a few versions of each notebook when I teach, but that requires me to go and copy every page separately into the new notebook - not very efficient. The option to duplicate a notebook would be very helpful.
Kristy Morgan commented
It would be really wonderful to copy and share with the other math teachers at my school as we are collaborating in distance learning.
Jenn David commented
Yes, please! I want to save my notes before I do a screen cast - if I make an error, I have to go back and erase all of my annotations...would be nice to have a blank copy without my markings.
Piyush Puranik commented
Why is this still not implemented? It should be a standard feature. I'm a coder myself, so I know this is not all that complicated to implement considering the app already saves notes on the fly.
Arturo Morales commented
Add the option to duplicate an entire Notebook (not only a page). This can help to start a Notebook from a blueprint and change just a few things.
Anonymous commented
Please do it!
Anonymous commented
The lack of a duplicate note feature is a serious and disqualifying shortcoming of this app. The lack of this very basic feature removes this app from any real business and places it in the toy category.
Anonymous commented
SERIOUSLY Squid???? People have been begging you for almost eight years to add the most basic and essential feature for "real" business use... duplicate notes. Many, many, many legitimate reasons given why this is a MOST IMPORTANT feature for users. Seems the ability to "copy" would be the first thing any type of document app would implement. I bet your app developers have some ability to "copy" code modules so they don't work on the same "original" code deck over 8 years. Come on, get with it.
Amy commented
I have imported a pdf and made my notes on it. I would like the ability to duplicate the pdf, and edit some of the notes made from the first pdf onto the second pdf. (Example: paperwork being filled out for multiple people but most of the information stays the same.)
Anonymous commented
Notes may contain exercices, and to complete the solutions, it would be comfotable to copy entie notes
Anonymous commented
Tasto per duplicare una nota
Carrie Reveal commented
Add the option to duplicate an entire note