Home screen widget for quick view of note
A home screen widget that would let you view a note and quickly open it to edit it.
You can add a shortcut to your Home Screen to open a specific notebook (see http://feedback.squidnotes.com/knowledgebase/articles/1179331) or to create a new note in a specific notebook (see http://feedback.squidnotes.com/knowledgebase/articles/1179328).
It does not appear to be possible to create a widget that allows for taking handwritten notes directly on the Home Screen (due to the fact that you need to be able to swipe left/right to get to different pages on your Home Screen). Please vote here if you’re interested in a widget that shows a particular note on your Home Screen (and allows you to open it quickly to edit it).
Marek Štěrba commented
That shortcut is almost identical to Squid icon. Being able to see a particular note (daily to do) in a big widget would be great. I switched back to SNotes because of this.
Mako commented
Jepp, that's basically what I'd consider as sufficient enough :) Currently, I have to rely on at least one Samsung Notes note which is placed on my Homescreen e.g. as my daily todo-list. It's totally fine if a click on the widget opens up the note in-app, as long as the widget updates itself afterwards as well.
So my use case is: some notes are for my daily "business" and I want to have them within my viewport ON MY HOMESCREEN. Therefore I'd be super happy with a widget which shows a distinct note.
Andreas Toth commented
@Andrew Huges. Hmm, yes, I can see the issue with taking handwritten notes on a screen that is gesture-driven. You would think that these screens would allow widgets to be register that they accept specific inputs including gestures and that the screens would then pass these on to the widgets and not handle them. Seems like a short-sightedness in the implementation.
Oh, and for those that say that one couldn't perform certain actions on these screens if widgets could register themselves as handlers for some of the, well, no, because there's' always some extra space around widgets to allow for gesture input as widget dimensions are restricted. And, at the end of the day, flexibility is the key of Android. Let users decide what works for them and what doesn't.
Andreas Toth commented
@Andrew Huges. Yeah, the name-change is unfortunate, but I understand and sympathise with you guys.
@Andreas We would have loved to keep the name Papyrus! I completely agree that it's a more meaningful name. Unfortunately, we were forced to change it and Squid is what we chose in the short time we had.
Andreas Toth commented
Look at the date of this suggestion and the product name... Things have certainly changed in one way yet remained unchanged in others... We still have no such widget support, but, at least we have a less meaningful product name. 😛
Anonymous commented
I think that people would like the ability to have a widget on the home screen which let you see all your notes without opening the app.
Juan Manuel commented
¿What rival?
Thanks -
Juan Manuel commented
Squid is better than S-Note in many things except for the absence of widgets.
Cheri Earp commented
Can you make some widgets for Squid?
Anonymous commented
I like the " simple sticky note widget " (you can find in playstore). I think it is the best note widget but hasn't the functionality like squid....so please add widget with this app's functionality
Anonymous commented
Squid is my number one note taking app but sometimes I need handwritten note displayed on my homescreen to act as a reminder. For this I use a rival. Please incorporate this.
Pedro commented
I would like that the app has a widget and an option that we could add date/time in order to remember us the note.
Andrea commented
Widget please we need it
Bea Diehl commented
not only the recent notes should be available as sticky nioe but any selectable note
Bob commented
And the addition of having it added to the galaxy note's "pen window" options. I'm not sure if that would be the Papyrus team or something for Samsung to change.
fareed commented
Just click widget a pop up note appear on screen w/o opening the whole application, and there should be save and cancel button.
tamir commented
homescreen widget like fiinote.
like action note from samsung.
see and edit the notes directly from the home screen, like postit -
Alexandra M commented
Should have a widget showing contents of a specific note or a notebook, Like a to do list (like Evernote has. Also improving the notebook features. This has potential to replace Evernote or seamlessly work with it by being a complimentary app to it.
ash commented
I had been begging for this for years but I've given up on them and instead I'm using whiteboard pro for that.