Export to jpg or png
How about exporting to JPEG or PNG for sending via Whatsapp and stuff.
Maybe a page border should be mandatory then, or maybe it could even crop automatically. And when the JPEG is too large; JPEG > 5MB it would give a warning or something.
I haven't put too much thought into it yet.
But it would be a really cool feature.
For instructions on how to export a note to images, see this FAQ article: http://feedback.squidnotes.com/knowledgebase/articles/501223.
Wayne Kelly commented
also be able to share directly to Keep.
or create a link to open the squid document.this is required because the contention create in squid forms part of a larger project document.
Anonymous commented
I wna be able to save my notes as jpeg image just like in S note, so i can be able to see them n my foto gallery
cadimage commented
Backup as image file not just PDF.
(would allow to drag to Evernote for searchable notes)Sync with Evernote.
Iain commented
It would be a lot better if we were sbles to simply save as an image rather than have to "share".
Ben Hollingsworth commented
It's supported, but as far as I can tell, it only works when sharing the resulting file. There's no way to simply export the file to your sdcard. This is unfortunate.
Josh commented
SVG is.. so +1 for SVG ;)
Jeff commented
Share/post to evernote as jpeg/pdf or png. Jpeg primarily to save storage space and data charges.
Shen Ye commented
png isnt vector.
Samuel Rothenbühler commented
This is now implemented (idea: export to jpg or png)
Anonymous commented
How about the ability to add a picture from phone camera or downloaded and abililty to edit the photo with tool pack?
Thanks -
Jame commented
I prefer PNG
colin.yates commented
+3 for me too. This would make integration with evernote much nicer as well.