Continuous vertical scrolling (continuous page mode)
It would be nice to be able to start writing on the next page while still viewing the bottom of the previous page.

This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
As mentioned previously, this is challenging since notes in Squid can contain both fixed and infinite sized pages, but we have some ideas to make this work that we will be exploring.
Matt Topham commented
I was thinking about this feature differently but I think I'm looking for essentially the same thing. My thought was that I would love to see an "infinite vertical" page size, where the width is constrained to perhaps an A4, but there is no vertical limit. No need for multiple pages etc.
That would be a valuable feature for me.
Ohood AlGarmoushi commented
Yes please I do like the app yet it's missing the continuous scroll for documents
Sulaiman Obaid commented
It would be a good idea to add continuous page view (scroll view) for imported PDF files, and you can keep squid note as they are now
Kod Sankyo
Lyka Dell Ramento commented
For notes which does NOT contain (infinite size). Continuous pages are only displayed for fixed-sized sheets, eliminating the problem of infinite document size. If by chance the page does contain an infinite size, then a notification informing the user that the feature cannot be used would pop up as long as an infinite page are in the note or adding a new infinite page to a document should prompt the user that it will disable continuous scrolling.
Accordingly, as said by a user from a previous idea; specifically Andy Wang (april 25, 2021 9:43 PM) "It would be good enough if we could just have continuous scrolling enabled for notes which only comprise of finite notebooks, but I think that it would be even better if we could enable continuous scrolling for notebooks with mixed background sizes, where scrolling would only be allowed within intervals of finite sized pages."
Additionally, would it be possible to have like a "space" outside of the "paper/note" since I find it hard to write towards the top, bottom and corner of the paper.
Nikki commented
@Andrew Hughes the solution for the problem with continious scrolling and infinite notes is to only enable the continious scrolling setting, if no infinite pages exist in this note. So when I create a new note I can enable the function and new pages will be displayed beneath the first one. But as soon as I set one page to infinite, a pop-up appears that says, that continious scrolling has been paused, because of that infinite page, or something similar. If I change the setting of that page to a fixed size, the note will restore the continious scrolling setting.
If I have a note with infinite pages and enable the continious scrolling setting, a pop-up appears to inform me, that this function won't come into effect as long as infinite pages are in the note.
If you have any other problems regarding this topic, just post these here. I probably have a solution for these, too. ;) -
Justmilas commented
Any updates on this? Otherwise i have to look for a different app .... it's almost 5 years since the last awnser ...
Ben Barel commented
Highly agreed
Marco commented
Hello! Has this feature being implemented? I use squid a LOT, but recently I need to do a lot of exercises on imported PDFs and the exercises continues (like multiple answer questions a b c d e) and it's really bad to go forward and back through pages for split exercises.
For doing exercises in PDFs, a vertical scroll is a lot better and fluid.
I'm sadly looking for alternative apps to do this as well (Adobe Acrobat app does that but it doesn't let me do annotations) since it's an important feature for me. Is it implemented? I see people asking for this for almost 10 years now wow!!!
Marco -
김윤지 commented
How about apply that fuction to only ”insert PDF”?
Rlnd Rsswrm commented
This was the main reason not going on with my subscription, beside not having any quick pen selection tool and no folders. Using it professionally with many and large pdfs makes no sense in this case - and it is supported by basically all others.
Andy Wang commented
As others have said, this is one of the biggest things that I feel is missing in Squid. It would be good enough if we could just have continuous scrolling enabled for notes which only comprise of finite notebooks, but I think that it would be even better if we could enable continuous scrolling for notebooks with mixed background sizes, where scrolling would only be allowed within intervals of finite sized pages.
Georg Graf commented
For studying in larger pdf scripts, continuous scrolling is much more handy and intuitive than the hard switching of pages.
In combination with the pen functions for describing and higlighting, Squid would be a perfect tool for students. -
Tom Grant commented
One of Squid's most useful features is the variable page sizes and pdf page insertion. I do not want vertical scrolling if either of these features would be compromised in any way. Vertical scrolling is bit of a non-issue for me anyway though, I'd rather the developers focus on making scrolling work without the blocky transparency mask.
Yanling commented
but will the page scroll if you accidentally swipe it? currently it's more stable. It will be good if this option is implemented but we have the option to turn it on or off in the settings
Andrey commented
I wish I could Scroll the pages when its on A4 paper and not only turn a page over with the arrows.
Daniel commented
It's literally the feature that's making me consider deleting the app. Please add.
Anonymous commented
Vertical scrolling is an essential feature. Anything apart from this is a deal breaker.
SIRI commented
Page view
Simone Belfiore commented
Dear Andrew, I can suggest looking at the goodnote app for iOS, this is the model that you can follow in order to make your app really great. I am a student of engineering and use a lot the tablet to save paper while doing exercises. It is very hard to move back and forth with the current page visualization. It would be very nice if instead of having an infinite page unprintable, is better to have an a4 page that we can scroll infinitely adding new page