Add additional fonts and formatting options
It would be great to have five or ten open source fonts available to choose from, plus the option to make words bold, italic, etc.
Monica G. commented
Frank Huse commented
Please add fonts. I would be a premium subscriber already had you had font options.
Kel commented
I bought Premium thinking that I would get different fonts but, no. :/
Maytina Shank commented
It would be wonderful to be able to add fonts we already use.
Jerica commented
Yes please add more fonts and the choice of bold, italic, etc.
Anonymous commented
Viel mehr Funktionen vom stieft also die Schriftarten wie zb. Handschrift oder Comic Schrift oder sowas weil viele haben vlt keine so schöne Schrift. Wenn das kommen würde könnte ich es wirklich jeden Tag benutzen und vor allem 5 Sterne geben.
Lucas commented
Por favor, queremos mais tipos de fonte urgentemente!!!
Please, We want more variety of fonts!!!
Anonymous commented
sola hay una fuente
Anonymous commented
Sólo existe un tipo de fuente. Se generarían notas más atractivas y visualmente mejores si hubieran más tipos de fuente.
Amanda commented
It's been 4 years now and still no update about additional fonts...
Isabella Sena commented
Rodolfo Ferreira commented
Yessss! Also to be able to align texts! Justifying them.
Henry Getz commented
its so annoying not having this, especially when using this almost exclusively for math :(
Henry Getz commented
superscript and subscript please!
Anonymous commented
Don't know if this has been requested or not but would like to be able to change color of certain words without changing color of whole paragraph or sentence. or make certain words bold or change size of certain sections without it affecting everything in textbox.
It is extremely frustrating to paste text that has been copied from web or somewhere else and not be able to format individually instead of as a whole. Thanks -
Anonymous commented
I want to choose a typeface and write it.
It's uncomfortable because there's only one typeface.
If possible, please update me so that I can select the downloaded typeface.
Thank you. -
Rodolfo Ferreira commented
Please, put some more formatting options for us to use on the app such as Bold, Italic, Strikethrough and Underline when using a text box. It'd also be very useful to align the text. It'd allows us to make notes so much more organized and neat, more visually pleasing. Thanks for listening and I'm also here to commend you guys, for the latest updates and for providing a space to listen to requests and for listening to us. Very awesome. ?? I've been using it for a long time, it's been very useful with my studies. I love this app!
Ian commented
agreed, anything.. like Times New Roman at least
Taynara commented
sugiro que na ferramenta para escrever o texto com o teclado, tenha outras opções de fontes
Luanda commented
Adicionar opções fontes ao texto