First off i have to say that as a paying member, i absolutely LOVE Squid and everything about it. It's my ONLY PDF-reading app, and everything in my life pretty much is all in this app. Especially my work! Needless to say, not always do I get the opportunity to properly file each note in its correct folder, and i often find myself scrambling to find "where i put that file". If titles can be made searchable, that would be a huge leap in the right direcition. Thanks for hearing us customers out!
First off i have to say that as a paying member, i absolutely LOVE Squid and everything about it. It's my ONLY PDF-reading app, and everything in my life pretty much is all in this app. Especially my work! Needless to say, not always do I get the opportunity to properly file each note in its correct folder, and i often find myself scrambling to find "where i put that file". If titles can be made searchable, that would be a huge leap in the right direcition. Thanks for hearing us customers out!