Add Google Drive as a Cloud Backup Option
Support for Google Drive storage via cloud backup.

Support for Google Drive is now available for everyone on Google Play, along with a major update to cloud backup! Backups are now created at the note level, meaning only the notes that were created or edited since the last backup will be uploaded to Drive. As a result, backups are now MUCH faster and can easily resume after being interrupted.
This has been a long time coming, so thanks for your patience. Please try it out and let us know if you have any feedback!
Hi Chris - We do have partial support for Drive via the SAF (at least as much as Drive currently supports). See
I know you're asking for Drive SDK integration. This is definitely something we're still investigating. We're just *also* trying to get Drive (and others) to fully support the SAF at the same time since this would be the preferred, and frankly better, solution.
I understand what you're saying about users not caring about the internal problems that engineers deal with. However, I'm hoping that some % of you do care and will help put pressure on Google (and others) to fully support the SAF.
Honestly, our current Cloud Backup solution has issues. It works great when you start out, but the more notes you take, the larger the backup becomes. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as only backing up what's changed due to the way our internal data is stored. This is also something we're investigating (and have been for a while), but having support for the SAF would go a long way towards improving this. This is because we could simply create a backup and save it locally to Storage Provider X (e.g. Drive). Then Storage Provider X would do what they do best: manage syncing any changes to the cloud in an efficient manner.
Chris K commented
Hey Andrew, I'm all for encouraging Drive to support SAF, but it's ridiculous for you to not commit to a Drive storage option even with partial support for SAF.
Users don't care about the internal problems that engineers deal with. Honestly, I think you're hurting your product by pushing the technical politics to them.
Putting on my user hat: I don't care whether Drive "fully supports framework X", other apps do it just fine (Nova launcher, Solid Explorer, Allo, etc). It's silly that you can't either. I'll just wait for another notes app to come along and do it right and then switch.
Your competitive advantage right now is native support for pen input (lagless), and if you're going to throw that away for arguing about how backups should be implemented on cloud solutions, mannnnnnn you're gonna have a bad time.
Utilizar outras opções de nuvens, como por exemplo Google drive
JPStroud commented
Thanks for the heads up, Andrew!
Joe commented
I use Google Drive for everything, not about to create a dropbox account just for Squid. Also no syncing across platforms? What's going on here?
Susanne Ary commented
More important would be the option to store specific notes in the cloud or backup only the latest changes. My file has 60 MB by now and I have to upload and download it every time I switch devices...
Jonathan Knirsch commented
i totally second that!!!
Anonymous commented
I 100% agree, please add Google Drive as a backup option. Or at minimum, since you can do local backups, have it also locally backup a PDF copy of books as well.
Andy commented
Please add Google Drive as a cloud option.
Andy commented
I also am interested in Drive support.
Gregg C commented
I use squid every day. This is the reason I will not upgrade.
Pamela commented
Please add Google Drive support.
Martin jimenez commented
Podrian agregar mas servicios de nube como drive de google
Kris H. commented
I really like the premium app and its additional options but not having the option to sync to Google Drive id s significant detractor. If there is some underlying reason please share as this is quite frustrating and may lead me to another app.
Michael Cornelius commented
I signed up for a year-long (introductory?) premium promo and LOVE squid.
There is a very real chance I will cancel if, after this promotion is up, there is still no Drive support.
Ben Hubbard commented
Squid gets many things right but lacks such basic functionality as syncing with Google Drive. Wake up, devs.
Anonymous commented
I have not signed up for Premium yet because of lack of Google Drive sync. Currently using OneNote until a viable alternative is found that supports Google Drive.
Martin Blume commented
Please add Google Drive
Vivian Lee commented
This is literally the ONLY thing keeping me from using Squid full time as my notetaking app. I'm tired of being stuck on OneNote. Please, bring Google Drive in as a sync option!
Anonymous commented