Move objects to front/back or forward/backward
I would like to be able to send objects from front to back or vice versa. For example, sending newly added images behind everything or making writing appear on top.

Devin Clark commented
I understand your desire to rearrange the layering of objects in WhatsApp DP, but currently, there is no direct feature for that. However, the still holds immense relevance in improving our reputation and personal branding. By selecting a DP that represents our values, interests, or achievements, we can leave a lasting impression on our friends, colleagues, or potential connections. It serves as a visual representation of who we are, allowing us to showcase our unique identity and stand out in the virtual world. So, while the specific object manipulation you mentioned may not be available, leveraging the power of a well-crafted DP can still have a significant impact on how others perceive us.
Anonymous commented
When adding lines and shapes, each new shape is placed 'in front' of the previous ones. It would be helpful to change the z-index or 'depth' of figures like a 'bring to front' and 'send to back' options. (And maybe also change opacity).
Lai Yeu Huan commented
I would like to be able to send objects or text from front to back or vice versa vis a vis other objects
JR commented
Hi. This is the most wonderful app that I use. I have a question on page move. Is there any way to move a page back or forward by using finger touch instead of hitting the direction arrow (<>) button on a screen?
Anonymous commented
After select stroke, possiblity of bring it front
Anonymous commented
If u draw. Then import a picture. It covers your drawing. There should be a way to move your imported picture to the background
Alex commented
Add an option to change objects order (like layers order in photoshop)