Add new pages in an imported PDFs
I would like to write some notes when reading PDFs especially technical ones. There is almost never any space in the page as I would like to have. I would like to the ability to add a page either at the end or in between PDF pages to write detailed notes.

You can now insert a page before or after the current page in any note (PDF or regular)! To do this, simply long press on the current page number and choose “Insert page…”
vncdnt commented
Insert page in imported pdf file
Eby Das Kanjirathingal commented
Anonymous commented
Can I add blank pages between pages of a PDF file ? I want add a blank page after each page to add comments or translate .
Luigi commented
This feature is present try to long click on the pagenumber on the top-right corner
Marco commented
Hi, i suggest you to add a feature to this app. The feature is ti add a new blank page between two slides in a pdf file in which you can pin up new informations. Thank you
Anonymous commented
Looks like the feature has been done and available! Just long press the current page number on the top right corner and click insert page...
RemiDav commented
This has been added aldeady. Press and hold page number and chose insert page
Stefan Auler commented
Adding pages after the current page is a really important thing.
Stephan Knull commented
Cool idea! Also we need to be able to move content over to that new page. There is no real cut/copy/paste feature - you can only mark content and move around on the same page.
Amira commented
awesome idea 100%
vascosoares commented
Yes, we need to write on new pages. I bought version Pro thinking I could write on new pages.
Anonymous commented
How can this feautures still not be implemented? This is just ridiculous, I would buy the premium features instantly if it was implemented, but this is just a deal breaker
gc3960 commented
I absolutely love your program! I use it every day. I wish to import a pdf in a note. Currently it is not possible to write beyond the existing number of pages of a pdf. I really miss this option
Nik commented
Was about to buy, but can't add blank pages? You would think this feature would be one of the most used in a note taking app?
V commented
Implement text wrapping
Peter Brookes-Smith commented
Very important. Always need a way of creature space in pdfs
Amy Oelschlager commented
I am a technology specialist in a school and we would like to use Papyrus as our notetaking/PDF annotating app, but not being able to add pages is a HUGE drawback! Our teachers upload PDFs and students work on them and they often need more space to work. Please, please, please add this feature!
jianan commented
This is the important feature we needed to take note down in the PDF file
Amir Asiaee commented
Very necessary for technical text when you want to drive equations or solve problems
David curtze commented
I just started using the pdf importer, and I did not realize that you could not add additional pages. I would like to be able to add pdf drawings into my meeting minutes, or meeting minutes to a pdf drawing.