Batch PDF import
Batch PDF import, so we can import several PDF's at once instead of importing one at a time.

Elijah Freshour commented
I have 100s of pdfs I will need to import over the next months for school. This is critical thing for me. Please hurry.
Jim Mussared commented
This would be very useful for educational situations where the course coordinator gives us 10s-100s of PDF files. I end up combining them into a single PDF on my PC and then importing that, but I'd much prefer to have them as individual notes in Squid.
Anonymous commented
Now that there is batch export, I hope batch import is coming very soon. It would allow me to use this app to grade 75 papers, which is impossible when I have to import them individually.
David Gretzschel commented
Yup. Really lame. In my preferred filemanager XPlore it even offers me to set multiple checkmarks, but then the "ok"-button will grey out.
Also it never opens Xplore by default.
This results in hundreds of boring clicks, that I don't want to do. -
Steven Wolf commented
Adding my voice to the chorus. Batch import is a great idea. As would syncing a notebook to a OneDrive folder so I can see my notes on my multiple devices.
Anonymous commented
How has Squid NOT implemented this in the last 4 years? Very annoying especially for people who read a lot of PDFs on their tablet and have to spend 10 minutes importing every single one. The fact that Squid does not have a batch import is extremely annoying.
webby commented
when importing pdf files, any way to select multiple files?
It's too annoying
Anonymous commented
Pdf 가져오기할때 그페이지에 pdf를 추가로 가져올 수 있게 했으면 합니다
JR commented
This, for Chromebooks as well. Thanks so much! Love this app. Use it daily, and this feature would make the PDF apps I'm relegated to using obsolete.
Roro commented
Adding to the chorus - I am a reviewer, and it is very tedious to have to import PDFs one at a time. Why can't we select multiple PDFs and bring them in at once? Thanks.
Anonymous commented
squid has potential . however there are tons of stupid little problems irking the user.
basic things such as a search function to import pdfs, and such which should have been there from the first place but are not there! im done with this stupidity. if the developer does not address these issues, im finding a new software.
twhite369 commented
Windows 10 - Import multiple pdf files at once in two ways:
1) Import multiple pfd files into separate/individual squid notes.
2) Import multiple pdf files into squid as once Squid note based on order selected. -
Jackie commented
Why is this not solved till now? This is extremely important and basic for us. It is eally annoying to have all the pdfs to be selected and imported one by one. Please please do make this one planned and completed.
Jackie commented
It would be much better if we can import a bulk/number of pdfs at once in to squid.
Wendy commented
Oh please please please! I want to use this app for grading essays and this is sort of a deal breaker for takes too long to import all these files into Squid, one by one...
Shlomo commented
Nothing yet in multiple import?
Anonymous commented
Yes, please. Its troubling selecting file location one by one.
D Bryant commented
I use papyrus for marking, and it would be great to import all the essays in one go, into a notebook.