Extract Photos inside Squid for saving in a device folder
Problem: Photo taken inside Papyrus (Add Image - From Camera). Needs to be used in another program or sent to a computer.
Work around? Copy the image into clipboard and paste it in some thirdparty tool to save as an image. Main drawbacks - time consuming, requires 3rd party, poor photo quality.

When adding an image to a page, photos taken using the Camera are now also saved to the device’s public photo storage in a folder called Squid and will automatically appear in your camera roll (e.g. Gallery, Google Photos).
Helen111 commented
Cool photo processing program! I recently read this comparison https://skylum.com/blog/inpixio-vs-photoshop and found it very helpful. I’ve used both tools—InPixio is great for quick edits, while Photoshop excels at advanced features. Thanks again for sharing such useful insights!
Spawnmanuel commented
It would be possible to activate any option or way that when you are taking a photo with the app, in order to add it to a document, save a copy of the picture in the gallery at the same time you do it for the document.
It happens to me, that when you are taking note on the picture then I want to use the picture for other document o file and you can't use it because has your note on of the picture.
Thank you so much for your time.
Anonymous commented
Not only add photos to the page, but save them in the internal storage so it can be backed up trough Google photos.
Nils Lønningdal commented
Is it possible to create a copy of images inserted from camera to gallery or a specified folder on device?
Samsung S-Note had this function, and its very useful if you need the pictures in full resolution for inserting into written reports. -
Aviran Alterovich commented
I want to make a notebook with instructions. The instructions are notes combined with photos.
After I finish the notebook, I want to write it on Word (Office), for that I want to export only the photos that I took.
I know there is an option to take a picture and in the software I can do import from Gallery, but I want to take the picture from Squid SW.
Anonymous commented
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모든 이미지 엑스포트 가능하게 해 주세요