Open multiple notes at once (e.g. tabs)
We often need to switch between notes. It would be great if we could open 2 or 3 notes at once and to switch between them using tabs or something.
Note page thumbnails should be accessible more easily like by sliding the left margin, so we can easily switch between pages.

This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Max Holstegge commented
This would be amazing. This would allow us to have a page open for our notes on a textbook chapter, and a separate one next to it for exercises!
Luna commented
I'm an educator, and this is the biggest want I would have of any PDF editing app. I have actually gone through multiple PDF apps looking specifically for features that make it easier for me to grade papers. When I stumbled upon this app, I was already impressed with how easy it makes it for me to organize imported PDFs, annotate them, and mass export them out to send back to students.
For me, what I would particularly be looking for is the ability to easily move between all files in the same folder back and forth without having to exit out of the editing interface, i.e. through like a swipe right/left gesture, but even left/right buttons would be more than fine. When having to grade a pile of work, every saved moment counts, and the reduction in the barrier to performing even simple but repetitive tasks is invaluable to folks like myself that already struggle with task initiation and things that get repetitive. I would be able to use such a feature to flip back and forth between students PDFs and grade all of the same exercises at the same time.
This app is already my favorite in how it feels and looks already, Squid10 looks wonderful so far, and I think this would be the one feature that would easily differentiate the app from others out there for me.
Thanks for opening up a space for listening to feedback, Andrew!
陈十七 commented
It will make a big difference
Arf Adz commented
Please consider this idea. This suggestion has been posted 6 years ago. I would love for this idea to be realised where I can open a note from another notebook to refer to and write in another note
Anonymous commented
I realy miss this option!
yap yu hang commented
Open pdf and note editor side by side.
Anonymous commented
It would be helpful to have eg an pdf and notebook open on the same time. Or previous notes and a new one
Bonus commented
2 screen affordable for look at sth and writedown
Mark page for significant page -
Yuno commented
I'd like this to be realised!!
please!! -
Janna Kalisch commented
Need to work on more than one page at the same time (At school)
Paolo Salomon commented
Split screen function within the app for note taking and annotating
Domenik commented
It would be great, if Squid could support working on two pages simultaneously.
E.g having some exercises open on one site, while doing them on the other. I also have notes, or general PDF documents, that I would like to write on in Squid, while having the ability to take notes on a different sheet.At the moment I always have to use OneNote in a Multiwindow Setup and then export the data and then import into Squid. So such a feature would come in very handy.
Roland Russwurm commented
Switching between notes always requires to go back to the main menu (and looses the selected tool). Just a dropdown beside the title to go directly to one of the last notes.
Bruno Pires commented
In my studies I need to open a reading summary and an exercise note. Opening two notes simultaneously would help a lot!
yap yu hang commented
I hope i can open a pdf side by side (adjustable window size) with the notes so that it is easy for referring and also have a snipping tool that can snip the information from the slide and paste into notes
CJ commented
Would love this suggestion to be completed SOON.
Yoo Heegon commented
still waiting...
FILIPPO commented
Also opening two documents side by side...
Anonymous commented
It's the most importante thing for me
Cris Gom commented
It would be more productive for us, sometimes we need to compare something and it's tedious change the notes all time.