create objects and save to personal library
I create diagrams to tell a story, but there are tons objects I draw and constantly have to redraw them... (I'm not referring in the moment, I can use duplicating for that..)
ei... If i draw a laptop or a stick figure with a certain expression one day , and in a week use those drawings again, I would love to be able to insert what I already drew in the past...
Logistics; draw an object, select object, save to a library, to a specific category I created, when drawing be able to insert a drawing from my library

Stephan Abt commented
Save a symbol to a button on the tool menu so that I can insert it later.
I would like to be able to draw a symbol like --> or |-> (obviously stylized) so that I can better visualize lists. The idea would be to be able to draw your symbol and save it in a button drop down like the pen tool or color selection. This could allow users to have symbols their eyes would naturally flow towards across multiple notes. -
Jordan Niles commented
A function to create preset stamps of words/images (like iAnnotate) so you do not have to recreate them each time.