The infinite paper should be truly infinite to all sides.
Currently there is a boundary at the top and to the left of infinite paper. This makes it hard to use it for mindmaps as the user cannot grow the mindmap in all directions equally. Just get rid of that unnecessary limitation.

Christian commented
Please add this feature, it would make this app so much better, as mindmapping is such a good tool for almost everything way way more fitting for our thinking that the usual page note taking. There are also whole communities just around mindmapping, who need an infinite canvas in all directions.
Kim Khoi Lam commented
Wow I don't know how long this will be implemented lol
Alaa commented
Wow 8 years and still not implemented,
It's not that difficult.
Just an option in page settings to make the page scalable in all directions -
Anonymous commented
This idea is 7 years old but still it not implemented yet
David Cornish commented
As a workaround I tend to zoom right out (which isn't necessary but helps to visualise it), select everything (page actions > select all or ctrl+A), move it down and right a bit and then I have more canvas available, which gets around the fact I started too near the top/left.
Anonymous commented
I suggest to give us the ability to put the border to the left or right (because some languages write from right to left) or make it without any border and we writing in the center .
Anonymous commented
I suggest to give us the ability to change the border to left or right (because some languages write from right to left) or make it without any border and we writing in the center
Colin commented
Yes please.
Anonymous commented
Zoom out to 10%, scroll over a little ways, zoom in (the farther the better) and boom. Basically infinite on all sides
Adi Zarfaty commented
Rtl languages should scroll the other way (infinite mode for example scrolls to the right without a way to change..)
Thanks! Great app! -
Anonymous commented
in infinite mode, start at the center of the page
Anonymous commented
Infinite canvas but with fixed top and left sides like in Onenote. This way the canvas can only grow down and right. Needed for organizing notes.
Anonymous commented
Make this little change and marked it as a mind map app also
Ben Hollingsworth commented
This suggestion is the same thing, but already has more votes. Please vote for it instead:
Ben Hollingsworth commented
This suggestion is the same idea, but already has more votes. Please vote for it instead:
nick commented
I find this the best app for mind mapping I've found so far (and I've tried a lot!), but I agree a true infinite paper size would make it even better.
dt commented
There are excellent mind mapping apps like Mindjet for example although I'm not if it can produce pdf.
Michael Vogel commented
Interesting idea, but maybe difficult to implement. But maybe some other tools could help:
* add border (left, right,...)
* double paper size (or enlarge to maximum size)
* crop paper to best size (strip border)
* align content (top left, top center, top right, left, paper center, right, bottom left,...)
* place content (zoom out to see full paper size, select all to allow individual positioning) -
Anonymous commented
i draw architectural surveys and sometimes i start the floor plan too close to an edge, even on the infinite page size, and then have to cut and paste my work to give me more room to continue the drawings - can the infinite page size, be just that - ie have no boundaries?
Caetano Sauer commented
Yes! And to avoid getting lost, add a button to go back to center, or coordinates (0,0), at any time,