Add a trash can to find and recover recently deleted notes
That's it just please make a trash can ok cool bye
You can now move one or more notes to Trash without permanently deleting them! Once in Trash, you can restore or permanently delete notes.
See it in action:
For more details, please see this article:
Anonymous commented
Pleaaasssseeee let us restore notes. It soo easy to delete thing, that you easily delete important things.
The trash can, could delete everthing not restored in the last 3 months or so, but please let us have that
Anonymous commented
I would appreciate a lot if there was the possibility of recovering deleted files that unfortunately once deleted cannot be recovered, like a recycle bin from which you can restore any file in 30 days for example.
Cecil R commented
Yes please :)
Melissa Petronella Sundberg commented
Jag har vid ett flertal tillfällen råkat radera mina anteckningar utan att märka det. Jag har förlorat mycket viktig information på grund av detta. Det hade förhindrats av att ha en funktion som sparar raderade anteckningar i ett par dagar.
Anonymous commented
have a trash so I can restore