Zoom window for writing
Like in "good notes" for iPad, you could insert a zoom window witch allows you to write easier and faster. The good notes website describes it as followed:
GoodNotes provides the zoom window to assist you to write in small size with your fingers or with capacitive styluses. Inside the zoom window contains a zoomed view corresponding to a rectangular area on a page.

This is something we're investigating while designing the Squid10 note editor.
Zainab commented
The only downside to squid - other than the organisation
Would love to have folders within folders before creating notebooks
Like Metamoji Note -
Zainab commented
Anonymous commented
This feature would allow you to drag a rectangle thzt zooms in over a specific area of the page so you can see the entire page while you're zoomed in over a small area where you're writing. This would help tremendously so you don't have to zoom in and out while you're writing in order to see ogber areas of the page
Anonymous commented
we need a zoom window for writing (like on goodnotes or notability have), it would make the app sooooo much better. and more pen style options pleaseeeee
Anonymous commented
plz add reading glasses what I want writing point
John commented
Have zoom window to write so one can see whole page and zoom in at the same time. I read and take notes in multi window and it is easier, because I would be able to zoom in and see the while page. Right now you have to zoom in and out to see what you wrote before. It seems there are quite a few people that would like this feature. I would use this app over inkcredible if it had this feature. I really like squid and it would be the best if it had a zoom window.
Anonymous commented
I would like to hear from developers that why they insist not doing this for so many years. This is the only reason why I don't use squid, but this only reason can shut me out forever even if all other features are perfect.
Lu Cas commented
Benötige diese Funktion sehr dringend, es ist einfach sehr praktisch.
Anonymous commented
2012 request and it is 2019 now is still not available
Krystian Misiak commented
For me, it would solve the problem with the ink not being as smooth as in S Notes for instance. Would love to have it.
Anonymous commented
Yes same function is present in zoom notes, notes plus, notability, etc on iPad but also present in Handrite pro on android since 2012. Plz add this function.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please.
Ícaro commented
I don't know how to properly explain (English is not my first language) but I'll leave a link so you guys can see the feature showcased in the YouTube video. It's between the 2:10 and 2:30 of the video. It would help a lot especially for some of us who don't have a premium stylus pen and a huge screen to work with.
Jansen Wong commented
Samuel commented
Bis jetzt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit Squid.
Ich habe einen Wunsch. Können Sie diese "Lupenfunktion" wie in INKredible oder Good Notes einbauen?
Unglaublich praktisch zum Schreiben. Es rutscht immer automatisch nach. -
anonymous commented
yep. had to move to Incredible Pro for this feature. squid is one of those programs you really want to use, but this is a deal breaker for handwriting- especially if you have your own form of shorthand.
Anonymous commented
The bare minimum for making Squid usable for handwritten notes
Marion commented
Magnified window for writing similar to ipad Notability App
pacnel96 commented
The zoom window in Goodnotes for the ipad is a good example and is very easy to use. It makes taking notes very fast and easy.
Seb. commented
I posted this idea 3 years ago, and i have to write here again.
First things first: I like this app, i really do. to me it´s the best app for writing out there.
BUT: If one wants to take notes and write something longer than just a few words, this app hardly can be used.You NEED this zoom window for handwriting. (The app INKredible does a very good job here.)
I cant use this app without this feature because it makes taking notes really exhausting. (write a word, pull the display, write a word, pull the display, line is complete, scroll, scroll, scroll etc.)I think the main purpose of a handwriting app should be that you can write easily.
I really love your app and i would pay nearly every price IF you could bring this feature in your app.