Make a paid "Pro" version of the app instead of using multiple in-app purchase for premium features.
I have no problem paying for good applications but dislike the method of using in-app purchases, as they do not stay with the application if you move to a new device, have multiple devices, or even change then ROM. If you want to see money from your development efforts, make a separate paid "Pro" version in the Google Play Market, but don't nickel and dime users with multiple in-app purchases.

Thank you all for your wonderful feedback! I just wanted to set a few things straight.
First, in-app purchases are tied to your Google or Samsung account, depending on which store you downloaded Papyrus from. Purchases are automatically restored or enabled by Google Play or Samsung Apps on all devices you are signed into with that account. This means, if you get a new device, have multiple devices, or need to reinstall Papyrus, you only need to purchase the premium features once (as long as you use the same account). This is true for all applications in these stores (not just Papyrus) as it is handled by Google and Samsung. Please note, however, that it can sometimes take a little while for purchases to show up on other devices or after just installing Papyrus (usually it’s instant though).
Second, we’re always trying to figure out the best business model for us and our users so we can continue to make Papyrus the best note-taking app. We currently offer different paid features individually so users can choose what they want, rather than having one higher priced option (such as a “pro” version or single in-app purchase). Each feature we add to Papyrus is not a new paid feature. In fact, we’ve added many features to the free version of Papyrus over the past year, and we will continue to do so.
Please feel free to continue to provide constructive feedback here about pricing models and what you would like to see!
Ayshaya commented
I very much appreciate the in-app billing as it lets me choose the features I will use often and there is no extra clutter on my app for features I don't personally use. As a college student taking notes in class, this app is absolutely worth it and the best I can find.
Avin commented
Would love a discount on in app purchases if all purchases made together
Don commented
Thank you for all your hard work Andrew!!
Anonymous commented
I think this is a great app and don't mind paying a reasonable amount but like above I too have multiple devices and should not have to pay for each device...other apos I have used you pay once and that's it they are available on your other devices.....keep charging for every item and you will make other apps more attractive and this less so which would be a shame...
Peter Brookes-Smith commented
Like others I find this app too valuable to risk it disappearing through lack of long term funding.
Please keep in app purchases.
Alternatively, introduce subscription option. I used to get through at least one red and black notebook per month (about £5 each). I would happily pay £1 per month and get all the options for.
Don commented
Keep doing in - app purchases. It helps motivate you to fix things we want and it let's us know that you didn't just walk away. Please just make multiple devices sync so our updated are everywhere and we don't have to pay twice. Keep up the great work!!
Alexander Schwartz commented
If I bought the newest premium feature, I would have paid like 8€ (about $10,80) for the app. That's too much for me. No other app, I've ever bought, was more expansive than 5€. And usually, that's it, then. No additional costs.
I'd like a pro version with all features for a fixed price. And I think everyone who has spend that price for premium features in the current app, should get the pro version for free.Too bad, I had been waiting for the pdf import feature for quite a while, actually...
John Mac commented
Yes what Zane Ross said. Also your asking us to pay for less than standard features in s note if you added features like scanned documents set as a background page or pages, allowing the docs to be selected and filled in then exported to clients etc.
Also a set grid size and snap to grid feature, this alone would be a feature worth paying for as they don't exist in s note.
Don't forget make it a trial version so we can test it and give feedback or buy it, thanks.
Email me if you do any of these ideas. -
Carol commented
In app purchase ripped me off. Im pissed. It will not show in my purchase section in samsung apps. Last time I will actually fucking pay for an app...
Mark commented
I think if the options for in app purchases are significant and well ring-fenced, it gives users the option to but only the features they care about.
It also encourages future development by funding new significant developments in the product because the can generate an income stream, unlike paid for apps where many sit stagnant because of lack of new interest and therefore income.
Christopher Wilkinson commented
Having a separate pro version of the app would leave it open to illegal downloads as people could just sideload the paid version. But an in app purchase to unlock all pro features is a better idea
Dolan Dug commented
Don't listen to them. Make sure you have a good and steady money inflow. Make even more paid upgrades or come up with a paid update when you feel it's worth it. This app is too good to be abandoned early.
Rusty Pedrosa commented
Like Brian (comment posted Feb 16 2013) I agreed at first until I saw the admin comment (posted 12/12/12). However, I also like the idea of paying for a super expensive version that might cost more than all current modules, but is future-proofed by including access to future modules as well.
Tinashe commented
why not leave the option (PRO OR IN APP) to the buyer
Sidarth Dasari commented
I kind of like in app purchasing. Let's me only pay for what I'm using
Kelvin Hammond commented
Glad to know this before making the in app purchases. I will not be buying the in app tools until there is a pro version so that I can get the features on all of my current and future devices.
Mark commented
I have three devices I want to use this app on but without the ability to synch and also type from a keyboard it's pointless and to have to make six separate in-app purchases is crazy. Just bring out the pro version and I will be one of the first in line to buy it.
Rob Caminos commented
I love the ala carte purchasing. If you do end up offering a pro version keep the fremium version to
doc.payce commented
In-app purchases are very intransparent and untrustworthy. Please make that "pro" version asap.
Justin McNairy commented
Pelkey, there are few apps worth more than 20 bucks.