Save colors to a palette so they don't "disappear"
The current functionality for colors saves the 12 most recently used colors. Every time you create or select a new color, the oldest color gets bumped off the list.
I use a set of colors to categorize list items, format headings, highlight items, etc. Being able to change the color of anything in a note is a really powerful and core feature.
However, I need more than 12 colors (not an infinite number - 20 would be great). And I want to be able to play around with new colors, without having my "palette" overwritten. It's a real pain to have to repeatedly enter the RGB numbers for a specific color every time it falls off the recent colors list.
Not sure of the best way to implement this, but it's an issue for me every time I use Squid - which is all day every day!

Anonymous commented
Being able to create and save custom color themes to select from when drawing
Susa Rantanen commented
This, I want to be able to create my own palette themes and switch between different custom palettes I've created. If something like the last 4 used colors could be chosen with some quick-change feature like a mini palette that's always visible in the toolbar, that would also be great.
Anonymous commented
Yes, an option to save frequent used colors would be just great, as a bar to quickly change between those colors!