Paste from system clipboard
This might also along with inserting images from the gallery and maybe even being able to use a keyboard. I would like to be able to copy something, (might be from a web page, a document, whatever) and be able to paste it in my note. I'd presume it would have to be separate from the current Papyrus only clipboard, but maybe not?

We recently added support for the system clipboard! You can now copy and paste images and text from other apps into Squid, and vice versa (if the other app supports it).
If you’re attempting to copy/paste on a Chromebook, you may find that some things work and others don’t. Google is working on adding better support for copy/paste between Chrome and Android apps, so this will improve over time!
Darrell commented
Hmmm, that's about the time the fuction STOPPED working on my Chromebook...
Dylan Drake Rush commented
...and it only took 5 years.
Anonymous commented
I need to be able to paste from the system clipboard.
Can this be ficed, please?
Anonymous commented
Squid dovrebbe permettere di aggiungere l'oggetto ritagliato nella nota desiderata e non incollare il testo o l'immagine in una nuova pagina di una nuova nota
LIN SAN commented
Anonymous commented
We definitely need to copy and paste some texts from the other websites or documents
J commented
It would be great to have the same features on the Chromebook as on a regular Android tablet. Such as copying and pasting.
Edison commented
when I use a function of smart-select (using s-pen) for capture image
I usally use SHARE to note without saving.
Unfortunatly It pasted new note instead of current page in this App.
It is inconvenience because copy&paste is not handy in the android than the windows.
I wanna paste a image on current page when I use a function of share.
Please provide option for this. -
Anonymous commented
Would be very help full indeed! It would Enable me to write textThat I can Later use in formal reports. I use squid for notes during meetings And A feature Like this would further help me in being paperless.
Ralph Alvy commented
This is a major failing. Evernote allows this.
Thomas Krotkiewski commented
The ability to paste in images from Clipboard in Windows would make this app a true competitor to Onenote, Windows Journal etc.
Dr Kain commented
I would enable to multi window option. Have squid opened on the left, website on the right. Click the button on the stylus to open stylus functions and select "Image clip." Now draw around the desired area, select the area shape (cloud/circle/square..), then slowly drag the area to the squid window and let go. You can then crop and adjust accordingly.
Let me know how you go.
Shaun commented
Dr Kain, when I try this on my galaxy note 10.1 2014, I just get the last thing I copied inside of Squid. I'd love to be able to take excerpts of websites and such and paste them into a Squid note.
Dr Kain commented
It can be done. (Samsung Note 10.1)
Option 1: Use your stylus. Click to stylus button whilst at the same time drawing around the desired area to be copied. Once circle complete, select copy function that comes up in top right hand corner. Then go to other squid document and paste.
Option 2: Need to have multi window function enabled with area to be copied on one side and recipient site squid document open. Using the generic samsung ability. Click on the stylus whilst hovering over the screen to get the options. Select Image Clip. Draw around desired area. Select shape of capture (rectangular, free drawn as selected, oval, auto shape). Slowly drag the copied area to the squid document and release. Adjust crop and click ok.
Cheri Earp commented
I work around this function by saving my screen selection to my gallery then adding it to my page as a photo.
pdemeure commented
I often need to use the text of a note in another appli. For instance I'd like to copy a list of hashtags from a note to clipboad in order to paste it as comment in instagram.
Anonymous commented
Hi Yes this would be very use full,
After pressing the pen and marking an area to clip, I want to add this image to my papyrus note. there is not option, other than saving it to a file and then inserting it.
this is not usefull for classroom work. too slow. -
Joanna Pelphrey commented
It would be fantastic if Squid could copy to and from the system clipboard - especially if you have the program Clipper+ installed. With Clipper+ you can choose which items you've copied to the system clipboard that you want to copy & save to the Clipper+ program, making the items copied available to every program you choose to paste it in. Being able to copy items from Squid to the system clipboard would open up this program to a world of opportunities and functionality.
Henry Cuzco commented
There's a way to do it, but it is not practical. For those that have Samsung Galaxy Note Pro, you go to Scrapbook and save the image. Then in the image icon in Papyrus go to Storage > Pictures > Scrapbook. They really should have the option to get it from Scrapbook directly. It would save time.
Anonymous commented
This works for me on note 2012 and 2014