Clickable links between pages and notes
Add clickable links so that by clicking on it we can directly navigate to the desired page or note.
If you're interested in clickable links specifically in imported PDFs, please vote on this idea:
Philipp Kimmig commented
Wenn im Text ein Link steht kann man einfach auf diesen klicken um weitergeleitet zu werden
Joy commented
Any progress towards allowing clickable links in Squid?
J. Macall Arnold commented
Yes, I would also like this option for this very reason!
Anonymous commented
I completely agree, there is a void in the android world of this feature. Please consider for us digital planners
Carrie A. Reed commented
Yes!!! I'm a digital planner too and I would love this!
Kristi Drake commented
I would love to be able to tag a page of my notes that I had a question on so I can jumpt to that page to review that section!
Anonymous commented
When we are able to use/make these links. Please can we have the option to make the links transparent or visible? So we can choose what we prefer.
Thank you
I look forward to being able to link pages/websites so i can use my digital planner with your app.
Brandy Netty commented
I would prefer clickable links so I can use this awesome digital planner that I bought that is supposed to have clickable links in it, but doesn't work with squid since this isn't one of their features.
Aaron commented
I find navigating pages can be quite a chore sometimes. Ideally, I'd like to be able to tag rectangles i can tap to navigate to particular pages, and a quick option to link to a new page.
For example, i might have a page with a table of 5 character names and a few traits about them. I'd like to then tag one of the character names, then click on it, creating a new page. I can jot additional details about that character, then press a navigate-back button to return to the table. For the second character, i choose a link-to-existing and draw a rectangle, and choose an existing page. I tap that rectangle, and it takes me to that existing page so i can add notes to that character.
Being able to freeform link pages in this fashion would let me save a lot of time i spend flipping between pages right now.