Scheduled Local Backups
Cloud backups have the ability to schedule and run automatically, but local backups do not. This would be a great additional feature to have.

Anonymous commented
Seriously, I don't understand why it isn't possible to do this or even to manually backup PDFs. I don't want all my data in the cloud, but I do want access to my notes.
Thibault Molleman commented
same, it would my life and my employees via Gsuite's life so much more easy if it did an automatic backup to google drive
Anonymous commented
I came here looking for this exact thing. This seems like it'd be easy to implement, and would allow users to backup to google drive (if they have it on their device) in one sweep.
Alex Paransky commented
I am a premium member. Why does cloud backup have an option for automatic schedule but local backups do not? Can we get scheduled local backups for those who are premium member members?
Daniel Paight commented
I use cloud backup, which is okay (I have a Dropbox account that I use only for Squid), but I'd much rather backup automatically to the local drive and use other software to transfer those local backups to Google Drive.
Evgenii Sovetkin commented
I would be also good to have local backup saved with prefix timestamp in the filename.
When many files are generated the old backups should be pruned using some sort of rules. For example, by keeping at most d daily backups, w weakly, m montly backups, y yearly.