Scroll bar?
Please consider adding a scroll bar so that we can turn off finger recognition and still be able to move down the page. This would get rid of the problem of palms inadvertently brushing against the screen and making stray marks.

Anonymous commented
First thing I looked for was optional scroll bars. It should be selectable in settings, for efficiency, ease of use, and not having to use 2 hands (could be used with a pen, without needing extra hand or 2 fingers).
H S commented
or just 2 buttons on the menu bar there is enough space.
H S commented
I don't like using fingers to scroll accidentally draws/rezises the screen and gets sweat on the screen. At least make the button appear if there is enough space in horizontal mode there is plenty of space.
Anthony commented
2-finger scrolling can be tricky. A button that activates single finger scrolling when touched that automatically deactivates shortly after use would make writing/editing much more a fluid experience.
Anonymous commented
It's very annoying when it comes to pdf scrolling with two fingers
David Alexa commented
I meant zoom lock above.. sorry for the mistake :)