PDF as background for markup
It would be nice if I could create a new note from a multipage pdf so that I could markup the pdf and take notes on it from within papyrus. Perhaps with the additional feature of allowing me to insert normal papyrus notebook pages into the pdf note for adding additional notes that there aren't room for on the original pdf.

Finally! Support for PDF notes in Papyrus is here! We’ve been working on this feature for a very long time and I know all of you have been eagerly awaiting PDF support. We’re very excited to have PDF import in Papyrus 1.0 (available now in Google Play). Please feel free to continue to provide your thoughts and feedback on this idea or submit new ideas related to PDF import.
Thank you all for your patience!
Anonymous commented
I use XODO a lot to view PDFs. It would be nice if I could "share" that PDF into Squid.
Anonymous commented
Instead of opening the PDF explicitly from Papyrus, it would be nice to be able to send the PDF directly to from the app that generates it (I am thinking for instance a document scanner app).
Anonymous commented
Sharing to Papyrus from any app that generates PDF
Anonymous commented
does anyone else have this problem: when I am zoomed in and move the page, sometimes (often) the page resets to a undesirable location, making it kind of difficult to keep taking notes. Anyone know of a fix? orworkaround?? Thanks
Randy commented
This is a great feature. Now we need to be able to search the imported PDF. Is this possible?
Anonymous commented
Hmm, this an excellent start but it isn't quite what I was hoping for. What I really need is a way to import a PDF into an existing note and manipulate it in the exact same way you can currently import a picture into an existing note.
The way you have it right now all you can do is create a new note using a PDF as the background image. That might work if the note was still infinitely large like a regular note and the PDF only took up part of the background area so you could still add additional notes to it but that doesn't seem to be possible the way it is right now. Unfortunately, the way it is now, there is no way to add any additional notes outside the area of the original PDF.
I hope you'll continue to polish and upgrade this add-on because this is a great start to what could be an extremely useful advantage in Papyrus. I have two suggestions for short term improvements that I think would make this a much more useful add-on:
1. Try to make it so that the note area can be extended larger than the size of the PDF file
that was used to create it
2. Try to make it so that new, regular note pages can be added in a note that was created
using a PDF import.Thank you for your hard work in getting to this point and I look forward to continued improvements to what I already consider to be my most essential note taking tool! :)
Abby Nardo commented
My dream has come true!! Thank you so much! Love it!
Nora Diaz commented
I purchased the new feature immediately but was disappointed to see that the fonts look all wrong, this means that my slides look awful when exported to PDF and imported to Papyrus (they look fine in other PDF annotation apps). Please fix this.
Ethan Broten commented
Anders Bech Mellson commented
This is great news, an instant buy.
I would suggest to have the pdf's you import from dropbox save back to dropbox after annotation.
Great work! -
Anonymous commented
Importing is not a good Idea. Papyrus must include a PDF reader. So we can read PDFs and save our comments on the on the original file.
Anonymous commented
For me, even just importing single page pdfs as pictures would be a big help.
adam commented
I agree importing pdfs would be a game changer and i would quickly leave my other note taking app
db commented
Adding this feature would make this app a MUST own for Galaxy Note 10.1 users. All lectures are provided as PDFs at my school. There aren't any apps that I know of that incorporate s-pen functionality and PDF annotation natively. Lecture notes' implementation is horrendous.
Alexander Schwartz commented
Exactly, what I came here for. I've been using other pdf readers to annotate my documents wishing for the Papyrus note-taking functionality for too long.
Jack commented
A must have feature. Any idea when we'll see this?
Brittany commented
Agreed it is very annoying to have two different apps to take notes on "paper" and on pdfs
Caesar commented
Agreed. Please make it as such that it's possible to import PDFs, Slides, Docs, etc. At least do PDFs first, because it is possible to convert the rest of the files to PDFs.
ivaneidelucio commented
will be great use pdf as background specially for school.
d commented
i d pay for this function