Insert/Remove vertical space
When I take notes I frequently need to go back later to insert additional material at a specific place. It would therefore be very important to have the ability to create such space by moving all material below further down. You can find this well implemented in the Microsoft Journal software, for example, see
Myung-Jun Choi commented
I am a little depressed to know that this feature has been planned several months ago. When will the plan be implemented? I am very needy of that option. Just in infinite size paper, that option will be very helpful.
Anonymous commented
This would be very helpful to me, too.
vickson commented
as an idea of implementation, i suggest to implement it as a tool.
when you select it and drag a straight line (can be horizontal or vertical), the lower (right) half will be selected.
with a second drag the selected part will move in the direction you choose, thus making a gap / eliminating gaps
Gustav Delius commented
Not being able to insert extra material in my existing notes is a big problem for me.
Gustav Delius commented
I agree with Heikki that we do not need the three finger swipe. This feature is so important for usability that it should not be delayed by the challenge of implementing the swipe.
Heikki Arponen commented
This would be a killer feature, but don't think it will be needed often enough to warrant a three finger dedicated gesture for it. IMO button click is OK!
Gustav Delius commented
That is great news that you are planning to implement this.
The three-finger swipe sounds like a fun idea. We have to see how well it works in practice. Only trying it out will show whether I will manage to get my fingers aligned well enough so that the space gets inserted at just the place where I want it.
We planned to offer this feature from the beginning, but unfortunately never got around to implementing it. I loved the feature in MS OneNote, but I think there's got to be a better way to access the feature than clicking a button in a toolbar.
What do you think about a three finger touch and drag? After putting three fingers down in a horizontal line, drag down to insert space above your fingers. The same could be done to insert space horizontally with three fingers in a vertical line.
Any other ideas?