Add Pages in between Notes
I like being able to annotate .pdf versions of my professor's slides, however, if I want to add more notes, I have to go all the way to the end of the file, then add a page, then drag it to the right spot. It would be so much easier if I could just add a blank page right after my current page.

This is already possible (as Tony mentioned in the comments). Just long press the current page number to insert a page or PDF before the current page. Please see and
Tony commented
You're sure you can't do this already? I just double-checked to be sure, but if I go into an imported pdf, go to some page in the middle of it, and press and hold on the page number at the top right, I can insert a page before the page I'm on in the pdf. I'm on a chromebook using the Android app, so I don't know if that makes a difference.