Allow storage location to be on SD card
Since many tablets like Note 10.1 have limited storage it would be useful to allow setting default location of data to SD card

Laura Chalifoux commented
WORKAROUND: Try turning on Developer Options, and then turning on the option Force allow install external. Go to App Info for Squid, tap Storage, tap Change, then select SD Card.
1) This worked on my old Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 running Android 9 - it may or may not work on your version / device. Before trying this, make sure to do a manual backup from within Squid, just in case...
2) You cannot use an app's widgets when the app is stored on the SD card.
3) Whenever an app on the SD card is updated, Android moves the app back to internal storage, so you'll have to move it back to the SD card after an update to the app. -
Anonymous commented
Add it or i have to look for an alternative. i was a happy paying customer until today.
so many of us need this feature, it can't be that hard to implement.
Melanie Rao commented
Would love to see this
Manuel commented
You've got tons of users clamoring for this capability. Same issue. My Note 8 is at 90% internal, and performance takes a huge dive if 10% internal RAM isn't free. On the the hand, I've got over 80Gb available on my SD card...
Pat-92 commented
For Andrew : Maybe one intermediate solution could be to enable individual save/backup of notes and notebooks and the same for import/restore, so it will not be necessary to keep all our notes on the phone memory.
Have a good day. -
Raymond Yesaya commented
Please please please!
Chap commented
is there an alternative app, which allows data management?
su san commented
Mobile sd card helps to increase mobile space . so that you can keep more data saved in your mobile . [URL=]mobile repair dubai [/URL]
is one of the most important mobile servicing centre where you could rectify all types of mobile sd card . -
Anonymous commented
Função armazenamento no cartão
Jairo commented
Preciso desde recurso, é muito necessario
Rodolfo Ferreira commented
Please make this feature possible 🙏🏽 I really need this. My tablet also has limited storage and I really wanted to be able to save notes on my SD card. I really need this feature.
Emylle Guimarães commented
It's urgently needed!
I have so many notes and PDFs, but my tablet (TAB A 9.7) has a limited memory and Squid consumes most of it. This function would be so great
Pradipta commented
Currently the app data is residing in device memory. SO it is taking up lot of the memory. For example all the pdfs I am importing is in the device memory. Which is a problem with small memory andorid devices. So would appreciate if could install it in the sd card.
Ralf W. commented
As long as no widget will be used for Squid it shall be possible to move it to the SD Card.
A while ago, I activated the developer features on my Samsung Smartphone. Since then it was possible to move Squid to the SD Card. If I'm not mistaken Squid worked. Unfortunately, since the last update, it is no longer operable from the SD Card. It must be moved back to the internal storage. Would it be possible to get this fixed. -
Anonymous commented
Essa função antes estava disponível, mais depois de algumas atualizações removeram. Coloquem-na de volta, por favor.
Anonymous commented
Bought 128GB SD card for file management, but can't use it. :( Please, add this feature! :)
Anonymous commented
Many devices has limited internal memory. It is absolutly necessary to save notes in external SD card.
jim commented
this feature is still needed. Do you guys ever plan on adding anything new? You could have an amazing product if you put some time into new features.
Anonymous commented
Urgently needed! Please implement this!
Anonymous commented
Truly required