Change size of text with up/down keys
Add up/down buttons rather than slider bar OR make slider bar waaayyy bigger to allow for better control and easier selection of pen thickness/ font size.

Anonymous commented
instead of scale changing the font size I would like to see buttons of +/- in 0.01mm.
Cyley commented
The slider is fine for adjusting font size but there also needs to be an option for a drop-down so I can select or type explicitly the font size I want instead of having to wiggle the slider around between 8 pt and 12 pt when I want 11pt.
DrizzyParker commented
I am not a fan of the slider. If some people like it fine, but make it where I can click buttons as well to adjust the font size and thickness or even typing it in the space to get exactly what I want to use.
Anonymous commented
It is realy annoying that we can't type the text size that is wanted.
The bar of sizes is too small and it isn't easy for example to drop the size down by one jump, I have tried to change from 6 to 5 and it always jumped to 4 or 3 untill i gave up. -
Anonymous commented
I like to take notes in the margins of the articles/handouts for uni. As doing this with handwriting often ends up a bit too chunky, i like to type them and its fine that they're small as i rarely print anything so the zoom function is great... but the scroll bar for the text size is a pain. As i'm often using very small fonts, the difference between sizes, 4, 6 or 8 matters, but its so very annoying and difficult to use the scroll bar to set them. I swear, my fingers aren't that fat. + or - buttons, or a drop down menu or something would be greatly appreciated.