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What keyboard shortcuts are available?

When editing a note on a Chromebook or Android device with a physical mouse and keyboard, the following key combinations are available:
Key combination Action
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
Ctrl + A Select all items on page
Ctrl + X Cut selected item(s)
Ctrl + C Copy selected item(s)
Ctrl + V Paste from clipboard
Delete or Backspace Delete selected item(s)
Left Arrow Move selected item(s) to the left. If no items are selected, pan page to the left.
Right Arrow Move selected item(s) to the right. If no items are selected, pan page to the right.
Up Arrow Move selected item(s) up. If no items are selected, pan page up.
Down Arrow Move selected item(s) down. If no items are selected, pan page down.
Ctrl + Left Arrow Move selected item(s) to the left at very small increments. If no items are selected, pan page to the left at very small increments.
Ctrl + Right Arrow Move selected item(s) to the right at very small increments. If no items are selected, pan page to the right at very small increments.
Ctrl + Up Arrow Move selected item(s) up at very small increments. If no items are selected, pan page up at very small increments.
Ctrl + Down Arrow Move selected item(s) down at very small increments. If no items are selected, pan page down at very small increments.
Alt + Left Arrow Go to previous page
Alt + Right Arrow Go to next page
Mouse scroll wheel Pan page vertically
Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheel Zoom page
Shift + Mouse scroll wheel Pan page horizontally
Mouse scroll wheel click or middle mouse button click Pan page

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