How do I create a backup in Google Drive?

If your device has Android 4.4 or later (or is a Chromebook) and you have the Google Drive Android app installed, you can create and restore backups to/from Google Drive using the Local Backup feature:

Create backup

If you're creating a backup before factory resetting your device, make sure Drive has completed the upload before doing so. To do this, open the Drive app after completing the below steps. It should show a progress indicator with the upload/sync status.

1. Go to the Squid settings and tap Backup and restore
2. Tap Local backup
3. Tap Create backup
4. If the navigation drawer is not showing, tap the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner to open the drawer
5. Choose the desired Drive account
6. Navigate to the location within Drive where you want to save the backup file
7. Tap Save

Restore backup

Please be aware that restoring a backup will overwrite (delete) any existing notes you have on your device, replacing them with the notes from the backup.

1. Go to the Squid settings and tap Backup and restore
2. Tap Local backup
3. Tap Restore backup
4. If the navigation drawer is not showing, tap the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner to open the drawer
5. Choose the desired Drive account
6. Choose a backup file to restore
5. Tap Restore


The above steps work for any app that appears in the Android system user interface for creating and picking files (not just Google Drive), including the internal storage and SD card.

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