Import more than just PDF files (Ex: .doc[x], .odt, .ppt[x], etc.)
I'd love to see Papyrus be able to import other file formats, since instructors, in my experience, rarely supply their class notes as .pdf. More often they provide them as .doc/.docx (support for both is necessary, since most non-MS Office programs I've experienced don't save in .docx. I rarely see .odt or other odd formats, but some people might use it) or .ppt/.pptx (I also don't know what alternative formats for those are, but I know they exist). I currently have to use another app to convert these to PDF on my device first, which can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the size of the document, and then I have to import the PDFs to Papyrus.
If Papyrus could import these files, it would save me time, and also potentially save users a lot of headaches over messed up formatting, digging up converted files, and hang-ups in conversion programs.
Khoi Minh Vo commented
As a workaround, you can save the PowerPoints as PDF and then annotate.