Feature Ideas for the App
A great feature for the app would be to have some kind of bar at the bottom of the screen where you can place your palm so that it doesn't affect the screen while you try to write. Even though once you touch with the stylus your hand isn't supposed to affect the screen it still does. Also would be nice to have a zoom feature to allow writing on PDF files to be easier.
Typing could be modified as well. I'm not a huge fan of the typing in a small box. This app would be great if you could have the feature of typing documents (as well as import documents from microsoft), and have all the personalization features of typing.
The interface could use some updating. Maybe color coordinating notebooks tabs or making actual notebook icons could aid in visual organization. I'm a student and color coordinating helps me with organizing the topics I'm learning.
My last idea is more shapes. The shape feature is useful if your trying to work around large pictures and are trying to make the document look more organized, but I think being able to add other shapes for the unartistically inclined would be a helpful feature.