Multiple instances
Is it currently possible to open multiple instances of the program - I'd dearly like to be able to open a PDF and scribble all over it, and also have a blank page beside it (in multi window mode) to take notes.

YES! I use squid for taking notes at university, it'd be excellent to open up a copy of my notes to view while I do my work on a blank page in squid.
Currently I have to either export the notes as PDF to another app, or do my work in Samsung notes 😑
Anonymous commented
I want you to be able to launch two notes in multiple windows.
Victor Gallardo commented
Its work like the Android multi window. Being able to have two notes opened at the same size or being able to have one kinda a hovering window and being able to move it or resize. This would be really helpful.
Also posibility to open same note but one is read only version
Anonymous commented
I want to see two (or more? well I personally think more than two is too complex) note at the same time especially when I see lecture pdf and write at the other note.
Piper Deck commented
using squid for D&D, and want to have my map open in one window and other notes open in another window. However I see that this is a very old request and so I'm betting nothing is happening any time soon
Natassia commented
To rewrite notes I take in lectures
Anonymous commented
I use A lot of templates (pdf) and this would allow very easy copy and paste between notes. Would love to be able to open more than one note at a time! Utilize what my tablet Iis capabke of Papyrus!
Typhoon commented
if we can open more than one papyrus it would be great. sometimes we need take notes on books (pdfs) sometimes we need to take notes as a new note. on the multiple screen if we can open 2 papyrus we can do these I told. we will be so nice I guess.