Scan/Add pages as a PDF
Feature Description:
1. Take a photos of a couple printouts or diagrams.
2. Extract corners and transform image to the correct orientation and alignment.
3. Sharpen, color balance and enhance contrast.
4. Open as PDF for mark up in Papyrus.
Use Case:
You walk into a meeting. There are never enough copies of a technical diagram, or the technical diagram is on a screen; or the diagram is drawn on a whiteboard.
You snap a couple of good photos using this app, of: meeting agenda, print outs, etc.
The images are processed and grouped into the same PDF, and opened in Papyrus for making notes.
At the conclusion of the meeting, you snap a photo of the whiteboard, append it to the PDF, and email to yourself add meeting notes.
The handy scanner app does image->PDF pretty well. But I would like to avoid using two apps for what should be accomplished with one.

Tobias Lauerbach commented
A Documenta Scanner coud Be nich which addes the scan as a newcpage linke an pdf
Paul Sophocleous commented
It would be incredibly useful to have some basic scanner functionality so that if we are taking notes in a class or a meeting and a paper document is available, we can use the app to take a photo and bring it directly in as a PDF. We could then write directly on the scanned document.