iOS version
iOS version with same Box integration

M. Furkan Ataç commented
Ive had my iPad for more than 1.5 years and I miss you guys
Art commented
I can't bay an iPad, because there is no Squid Notes
saadou altawil commented
Please make it for iOS
Anonymous commented
Ampliaria muito o público alvo do app se houvesse uma versão para iOS.
Eu, por exemplo, adoro o aplicativo, mas mudarei em breve de plataforma e, se não houver para iOS, terei que mudar de app e sofrer com uma nova adaptação... -
Anonymous commented
Make an app for IOS users
J commented
Jade Kaye commented
This would be amazing if it was compatible for iPhone and iPad so I can easily backup all of my notes to different devices. Please consider this! Especially in this day in age where everything is apple products. Would most likely get a lot more people to use squid
Emma commented
Please can this app be available to apple users this app sounds brilliant i just wish i could actually use it!
Tobias Lauerbach commented
A web version coud be easier and avalebal in any device (Ios,MacOS, Linux,Windows)
CTH commented
Yes please, an iOS version would be great. Ubiquity is king - cross platform sync is a must and even better if there is a web app too
Anonymous commented
Izelle commented
Yes and soooon pleeeaaase!
Calon commented
Would buy in a heartbeat
Paolo commented
I have an iPad and a note 10. Would be nice to keep notes in sync using squid...
Anonymous commented
For those needing an app like Squid on their iPads definitely check out Noteability and/or Goodnotes. Excellent apps that will make you not miss Squid one bit since the developer obviously has no plans or wants to create an iOS version.
Marty Harris-Murshidi commented
I simply love squid. My colleagues - the iPhoners and iPaders are jealous how easy/quickly it is for me to write, draw and share
Anonymous commented
Squid is great i get now an ipad 12,9 i will miss squid very much
Anonymous commented
tenia squid en mi tablet samsung y ahora me cambie a Ipad y no tendre mas squid :( es muy buen la app, yo soy suscriptor de pago en android porfaaaa pasenlo a IOS los ira super bien. cambiense y tienen mi suscripcion aseguradaaaa. son mejores que GOODNOTES :(
Blue commented
good thing Chromebooks are now running Android apps!
Anonymous commented
Please! I have tried a few of the apps available on IOS. They are just not as user friendly.