Open Squid when stylus is removed from slot
Easy, just copy what samsung does with "Notes S" app when the Stylus Pen is extracted. It pops up a tiny window, with a note ready to go... but with Papyrus !!

Alexander osorio corrales commented
It would be very good to have the option to configure the application that when extracting the S pen from our cell phone, the application will be opened automatically
Translated from:
Seria bueno que al sacar en S pen se abriera el programa
Seria muy bueno tener la opción de poder configurar la aplicación que al extraer el S pen de nuestro celular se abra la aplicación de manera automática
Anonymous commented
S pen auto open app
Saki commented
Or at least support pop view
My note pro 12.2 papyrus cant go pop view
It's only can be dragged and eat half screen, but at some certain app only, and at some other app it will goes full screen -
LG commented
This can currently be done with s pen launcher. I don't think it requires root.
Jeff Gordon commented
Note II. Automatically start Papyrus when ejecting the S Pen. This is what S Note does, but I'd rather use Papyrus.