Option to delete background for pdf export
I like to use a background with square pattern, to easily keep my notes and drawings alligned, much like on regular paper.
However, I would like that when my pdf's are auto-synced to dropbox, there would be an option to:
- keep the chosen background of the note
- always use blank background
I lose a lot of ink, and it just isn't looking good, to print a pdf with all these lines.
Sure, I can set blank background (per page in a note), export it to pdf, and then re-set it, but it should be easier.

Anonymous commented
Title says it all
Joe Scott commented
How about an actual allignment tool is there one??
Bill Stettiner commented
Having the ability to have the lines or graph grid not show when exported to pdf would be awesome
Juan H commented
By far one of the most needed and easy to implement features.