improve the s-pen lag for the 2014 Note10.1. App is unusable as is.

Thanks to everyone who reported this issue! We just released an update that fixes the huge lag on the Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition.
Dustin Widmann commented
sometimes it does this and sometimes it doesn't. would say more often than not it Is sluggish . If when I pull it out it's being sluggish , it will stay sluggish . OTOH if it's responsive when pulled up it will be responsive until I turn off the device screen, IIRC.
Patrick Rodler commented
I perfectly agree on that....Please fix this issue asap! For me the use of papyrus was one of the reasons to go for the galaxy note 10.1 2014....Thank you in advance!
ersatz commented
Same here. I would buy this app today if not for this problem!
Brad commented
Weird is works great on my Note 3 but note on N10 2014.
Bob commented
Same for me. The Papyrus app is not optimised on the Note 10.1 2014 edition yet. There is a significant lag when registering the s-pen input. Please look into it asap!
Eric St. John commented
Same here. I bought the Note 10.1 2014 specifically to use with Papyrus for "whiteboarding". As you can imagine I was quite disappointed.
Gregory Handy commented
Yeah I just upgraded from the older galaxy note...The app is unusable on the 2014
AS commented
It performs indeed really bad. I was hoping to use papyrus, but this is impossible.
Wannes commented
I experience this also. When using other writing apps (handy note pro for example), they are much faster.