increase resolution of vectorization
while it's nice that Papyrus converts handwriting to vectors rather than pixel graphics, the resolution of the vectorization is quite poor (i.e. the number of straight lines that it produces isn't enough for a faithful reproduction of the handwriting, making characters look edgy). It would be nice if the vectorization resolution was customizable.

Stephan commented
This is probably depending on the input resolution of your device. Bezier curves could be a solution to this.
Paulo J. S. Silva commented
Another option would be to use Bezier Curves, as Quill is doing ( ) . Their rendered strokes look really good.
Rusty Pedrosa commented
I noticed the vector detail level is based on the zoom level of the screen rather than the size of the page. If I'm zoomed out when I start writing the lines look bad when I zoom in. For now the workaround is to always zoom in before writing, but I think the vector resolution should also be set appropriately for the paper size, regardless of screen zoom level. This might even be worthy of categorization as a defect instead of a feature request.