Zoom control
Make default zoom setting "Fit To Width" when opening note book and navigating to new page. Add zoom tool for 100% and other zoom percentages

We just released Papyrus 1.0 with fit to width, height, and screen options, as well as the ability to set default zoom levels for fixed size pages and infinite pages in the settings. You can also easily toggle the zoom lock and jump to a specific zoom level from the zoom popup!
Jared Wright commented
I love this but one more added feature that would be really helpful to me is if there was a way to toggle zoom levels. Lets say for a project you only use zoom level 100% and 250% and always jump back and for between those two levels. It would be nice to not have to pinch to zoom all the time to activate the zoom switch setting in each note.
Phillip Du Plooy commented
Although the palm detection is very good, using two fingers for both pan and zoom means I often change the zoom settings when I pan. I why not add zoomlock which fixes the zoom to whatever the user prefers, but that can still be turned on and off on the fly.
Ben Hollingsworth commented
It annoys me that you're limited in the amount that you can zoom out. With a large note (like the house floor plans I frequently sketch), I'm unable to see the entire plan at once. More importantly, if I need to select and move the plan, I have to do it in pieces because I can't select the entire plan at once due to the limited zoom level.
Jason commented
It would also be very helpful if you can pinch zoom with a 'Zoom Snap Mode' enabled so the zoom snaps to a fixed intervals (say 5% or 10%).
Christopher Calvin commented
Another implementation of this that would be very beneficial would be to include an option to set the default zoom to a specific level. Right now every notebook defaults to 100% when opened, but with my custom settings I always have to change it to 85%. If I could set 85% as my default zoom it would immediately solve this problem.
Anonymous commented
I believe this is a very important one. At least an option to do so or to apply the current page's zoom state to the newly created page.