Add reminder, alerts, and to do lists
I like to add checkbox in any note that would automatically add that note to a separate reminder / todo category. There should also be a dedicated view / list to see all reminders in all notes
would like the reminder list to show either headline or all checkbox lines in the notes with checkbox. Each note should be possibly to expand to see the individual checkbox in it.
Also want to set a reminder alarm and mabye also a priority and category for either a note with checkbox or for each individual checkbox. This should be possibly to use for sorting or filtering in the reminder list
when adding a checkbox (typically by Making a rectangle in the left side of a line) I want a suggested area Automatically selected but with the possibility to change it by stretching

Anonymous commented
Coloquen alarmas a las notas
Pete commented
Dear Sirs,
an implement of a due date for a specific note with an automatic popup-reminder would be a very helpful feature.
Patrick commented
note With alarm reminder please (i.e.googleKeep ....)
thanks -
Anonymous commented
Absolutely support the idea of alarms/notificatons!
Shane commented
I would like to have a setting to create and open a new note for a specific notebook at a specific time daily. Either with a pop-up or a link in a notification.
For example:
I create a Notebook Titled "Daily Journal"
Within that notebook there would be a setting to create a new note at 6:00pm or whatever time you want.
At 6:00pm a direct pop-up opens or a notification is received that has a link to a new note within the Daily Journal notebook. Similar to an alarm or calendar reminder you can select to dismiss or create the note. -
Anonymous commented
Need ability to set a reminder time and have alarm go off.
Anonymous commented
The possibility of adding within a note, a task that can be crossed once done in read only mode.
Translated from:
Agregar cuadro para hacer tareas y marcarlas como realizada
La posibilidad de agregar dentro de una nota, una tarea que se pueda tachar una vez realizada en modo solo lectura.
yaya biko (Reed) commented
A simple alarm for the whole note is the must have. Per line alarms is a nice to have.
Anonymous commented
I think it would be nice to have an alarm function:) ♡
Translated from:
알람 기능 가능할까요?
알람기능이 되면 참 좋을 것 같아요 :)♡
Mark J. commented
Agree!!! I also use "BugMe Notepad" as well as Squid/Papyrus because of Squid lacking any kind of alarm.
Cliff Gibson's suggestion here to have an alarm with stamps is even better! Stamps as little icons with action scripts (like an alarm action when tapping the stamp) would make Squid an absolute knockout product.
Anonymous commented
Para mí sólo le falta que se puedan añadir notificaciones y alarmas
Martin Reitschmied commented
I also would love to have this possibility. In my opinion it would make most sense to have advanced text editing features, where you can choose "check list" as a text field option.
Having the Todo Lists also showing up organized in another area of the app is a great idea. A widget would also be perfect, showing the respective "paths" of the checklists (notebook name > note) and the list entries above.
I'm really missing this, would be great to have it! :)
Cliff Gibson commented
Some stamps would be useful to extend this: check box, exclamation, light bulb etc. With these searchable or index created.
maurizio commented
For windows phone:
Can you add the possibility/feature of associating to every single note an "alarm"?.
The alarm will sound at the date and time established and I will get a notification on the tile and into the notification center. If I click on the notify into the notification center , the app opens and that note opens automatically (and the notify on the tile disappear). If I click on the papyrus know.Well, if you add this feature into your 2,99 euros "instruments pack", I will buy that pack for sure.
Anonymous commented
Good idea, would be useful.
Guthrie commented
Anonymous commented
This is the one lacking feature keeping me from using Papyrus exclusively! Right now I have to use another app for this capability and thus have notes in two places. :(
Anonymous commented
Just having standard reminder w/ notifications would be awesome!
Anonymous commented
Completely agree. Running a small business where I am my own secretary, the "create calendar event" in the default Note 2 app is worth gold! When I get a call, I quickly double tab the screen so a blank note opens. Names, address, time of appointment, and details are all created in the note, as I ralk to the customer. When were done talking, simply hitting the "create event" makes things so much quicker. Not only is the note attached to the event, but filling out the event details is greatly simplified, since everything I wrote is shown at the bottom of the "edit event" window!