Manipulation of PDF pages at selection of part of the page
After the import of PDFs be able to select a section of the PDF. I know this can get complicated if you're selecting writing versus selecting part of the PDF maybe have a PDF select instead so that it takes a screenshot of a selected area and allows you to paste it somewhere else. Or import a page of a PDF onto an existing note page like an image. Multiple times I find myself needing to only use part of a PDF page and I have to rely on system screenshots and cropping to get where I need to be..
I think this could easily be done in a sort of layers fashion which kind of already exists. You can then opt to have a PDF manipulation instead Market manipulation.
Another example of the struggle that I have is needing to resize the page. For instance I have a PDF that is really long but only 3 in tall it would be nice to be able to put that on to a regular page and then Mark on it.