Still increase performance on Writing
When using Write, the writing 'seems' immediate. When writing in Papyrus, it lags about half a second. Sometimes even leaving a bit of writing behind. I tried different settings, but the lag is always noticable. Apps like 'Note Anytime' and 'Write' are faster in writing feedback (the latter is fastest I have found so far). Please check the code in response to writing, whether it can be optimized.

Brian Lichtman commented
I notice lag with the S pen on the original note 10.1 sometimes causing a jagid part of a line where I release the pen from the screen.
Justin McNairy commented
Even with the new update, I noticed the lag when jotting note on my Samsung Note 10.1. It not really that bad since I have no problem when I start writing note. Hopefully the next update fix the little lag problem.