Pressure Sensitive Quick Menu
Add some cool quality of life features that take advantage of the pressure sensitivity technology when not in use. Let me explain. Some of us don't care or use the pressure sensitivity option. Sometimes I'm writing down math problems and I want all my lines to look the same so I turn the feature off anyways. But I also would want a quick way to switch between certain tools. So what if when the pressure sensitivity is turned off. You could have the option to use a high pressure input that would pull up a quick little menu for easy switching options. It could be customizable with whatever tools you want. Just a tiny little floating box that appears wherever you push with a good enough of force. And as soon as you select the tool you want it would go away. It could have different "quick switching options". Let's say you only need to switch quickly between 2 different tools, then you would set the quick menu to only switch between 2 tool. A high pressure input would automatically switch to the other tool, another high pressure input switches back. Or you could set up the quick menu to open back to the little floating box mentioned earlier. I can only imagine the many useful little ways such a quick input system could come in handy. Let's say you have a system where you use certain tools in a certain order. You could set up each high pressure input to switch between each tool in a sequence.
Excuse me for writing a book here but I wanted to give a full detailed explanation of this feature and its possible uses. What do you think?

Anonymous commented
Opps grammar issues; sue me.