Allow manual ordering of notes and notebooks
While there are several standard sort options, sometimes I want to place them in an order that is meaningful only to me.

Anonymous commented
I really want this!! As a workaround I've labeled my note names with numbers, using 01, 02, etc.. to let me sort by name. However 00 doesn't come before 01.
Just thought I'd point that out. -
Dawn Lim commented
This please!!!!
Anonymous commented
It would be great if we could have the possibility to reorder the notebooks or the notes as we like
Kun Li commented
Suggestion that you can automatically edit and move note order
I would like a custom organized notebooks. Not only by name or date created. But something I could select and drag to different places in the notebooks tab. A folder kind of thing would also be welcome
Alex commented
I would like to be able to rearrange the order of my pdfs in each folder. They're currently only available in the order that they're downloaded, and I would like to rearrange them to organize my notes.
Gary O'Brien commented
You should be able to either pin notebooks to the top of the list or rearrange them by hand, rather than the alphabetical sort or last-edited sort we have now.
Sumpun commented
Presently, the files are arrange automatically in order of most recent open. And that the only way. Sometimes, I wish to arrange them in new order to serve my specific purpose at that particular moment, but I can't do that.
DrizzyParker commented
I would like to see the ability to re-arrange Notes within a Notebook. You can already re-arrange pages manually by long-pressing them and moving them to your desired position. I would assume and imagine that this feature should be allowed for re-arranging Notes as well.
Anonymous commented
Would you devise a way to rearrange the scratch pad or at least put them in alphabetical order! Today is very bad Without option!
Sébastien Michel commented
I would love the ability to change the order of notes within a notebook.
Anonymous commented
Change the notes order by draging.