Search function that reads handwriting
The ability to search on any word or phrase, either in the note name or body, yielding a list of notes matching the search criteria.
iOS has this with evernote "penultimate" and it is SO helpful.

Sai Sandeep Amara commented
Even samsung notes app has this feature.
Anonymous commented
Where is search function
John Aalegaard Larsen commented
omg. It still have no search function? A hand noting software is useless without OCR and a search ability. Is it a coming feature? I would love to pay upfront if you just say you are working on it. Remember it is soon 2020. Happy newyear
Anonymous commented
There should be functions to look for texts and images that we have in the notes, I write a lot on a single page there are times that I need to look for something on a page and it is hard to review everything
also a function to search but in all the pages that we have since there are times that I forget in which page I leave what I wrote.very good app, hopefully if you can do what I ask
Translation from:
buscar textos e imagenes
deberia haber funciones de buscar textos e imagenes que nosotros tenemos en las notas, yo que escribo mucho en una sola hoja hay veces que necesito buscar algo en una pagina y cuesta volver a revisar todo
tambien una funcion de buscar pero en todas las hojas que tenemos ya que hay veces que me olvido en que pagina deje lo que escribi.muy buena app, ojala si puedan hacer lo que pido