Full screen mode with quick access tools
Make the writing toolbar transparent or add floating quick access icon. So we can get more spaces while writing!

이원섭 commented
문서만 전체화면으로 보면서 작게 툴바 불러오기 버튼 하나 있으면 좋을것같아요.
스퀴드 기본 툴바색이 푸른색인데 푸른색 LED가 수명이 가장 짧아서 번인현상의 원인이거든요... 장시간 스퀴드 화면 띄워놓고 공부하는데 번인현상이 무서워요. -
Ryan commented
Being a teacher and using an activpanel, it would be VERY beneficial to be able to have the writing toolbar along the left side of the screen or right. I block out my students when I have to reach across my body to change to a different color, erase, highlight, etc...
Anonymous commented
I would appreciate if a note could cover the entire display. Another wish I have is a possibility to display previous notes as a list of titles (instead of images of sheets)