add numbered pages
Easily access page 72 without having to press the NEXT button 71 times...
Or a table of content of pages.

We just released an update on Google Play today (v0.7.0) which lets you jump to any page in the note by tapping the current page number. Also notes now open to the last page viewed by default (this can be disabled in the settings).
Leo M commented
Wow. This is probably the first time in my life that developers of app listened and took my advice directly. Thanks. Have a premium version and I'll buy it.
Pasan Pawan commented
Pages are absolutely essential for a notetaker like myself and Idon't want to have to hit the page number 100 times!! I think a thumbnail of all the pages will be the fix... hope it comes in the next update
Ben Geee commented
The whole thing about page handling is crucial if someone wants to use papyrus as a professional tool.
Most important requirements are written in Cesar Cordoca and Oded G comments.
Please hurry to get that features ready. :)
Cesar Cordova commented
I would be very, very, very, helpful to have page manager functions
- be able to name a page
- be able to display the list of page numbers and names and to tap to that page
- be able to reorder pages
- be able to insert a page
- be able to delete a page
- be able to insert the list of pages as a table of contents or as a cover -
vickson commented
better way is to have an overview page with the thumbnails of each page. this is within the same note.
For within the same page, we really need a radar/overview to work with
Oded G commented
Of course there is a problem when handling notes with lots of pages, but this is not the right solution. How can you remember which page number you need?
Usually you want the last page, because that the page you were on last time.
This is a better solution: -
Antonio Suarez commented
Yes! I need to change order page also.
Pierre duPont commented
I aggee that it would be helpful for the note to open on the last page and notthe first.
Justin McNairy commented
I need that feature
Anonymous commented
durh? I have to vote for that?
Namgay Phuntsho commented
This has been my problem too. I want to go to the last page and start writing instead of having to click next several times. Clicking on the previous button while on the first page should take to the last page.
Aaron Boushley commented
Are you guys creating a notebook with a hundred pages, or a single note with a hundred pages? Either way that workflow seems a bit unsustainable... even with page numbers.
Danilo Pucci commented
Is very important this feature. Also is very important to can change the order of the page
ignacio commented
thangtrannhat commented
Yes, this feature is VERY important, imaging how you manage a notebook with a few hundred pages.